Hallo Bay: Wolf Paw Print (fresh today!)
Brad Garasky © Hallo Bay Bear Camp
Monday, May 31, 2010
Wolf: Paw Print ©BGarasky
Camp Update: 05.31.10 by Brad
Good News and Bad News…
Around mid-morning yesterday, Brad was out doing some work around Camp, while our guests were settling in, when he heard an airplane (not ours) circle low over the Camp area. He tried to raise the aircraft on the radio, but there was no answer. Brad went out to the point (by mailbox) and was looking around for the plane that was possibly in trouble, as that is what a low flying plane over Camp usually means. Upon reaching the point, he spied a mother moose and her newborn calf nearby on the beach. The plane came in for a landing (never contacting Camp) and the pilot/guide hurriedly proceeded to lead his three passengers across the beach toward a bear they had viewed from the air. Brad did not yet see the bear. Next thing Brad knew was that he was practically between the bear and mother moose, with the bear being herded toward the moose by the unsuspecting group of people. Then the bear saw the moose calf and headed toward it and the fight was on. Mother moose put up a very good fight, knocking the bear down three times. Unfortunately, the calf did not survive and the bear had its prize. The Laws of Nature can be severe – but it is made more so by the stupidity of humans. This was a completely unethical code of conduct by this unprofessional pilot acting as a guide, and we will not report here on the air service that caused this unfortunate incident, except to note that this is the second time this week this company has done something in disregard of common sense and ethics. Hallo Bay's naturalist guides have the highest concern for your safety, as well as respect for the wildlife they may encounter. We are not here for the cheap thrill – we are an advocate of Leave No Trace, and treat with the greatest respect the last remaining wilderness areas of Alaska.
On a more positive note, Brad stated this morning that the wolves were serenading Camp during the night. At breakfast, another wolf howled nearby and Brad went to the Mailbox Point and observed our white wolf off in the distance moving through the meadow. It is good to hear that our guardian of Camp has been spotted again this year. Right now Brad is leading guests for a mid-morning trek around the area, and promises to send some photos later.
Latest Denali Park news:
Backpacker shoots, kills grizzly in Alaska park
A backpacker shot and killed a grizzly bear with his handgun in Alaska's Denali National Park, officials said. (read more)
NEW on June 1:
Man facing charges in bear cub's death at Lake Tahoe
We hope you are all enjoying this Memorial holiday
and remembering to honor those
who gave everything
so that we can enjoy our freedom today.
Memorial Day 2010
"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill,
that we shall pay any price, bear any burden,
meet any hardship, support any friend,
oppose any foe to assure the survival
and the success of liberty."
-John F. Kennedy
"And I'm proud to be an American,
where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me."
-Lee Greenwood
To Ours Veterans Everywhere:
We Thank You for Your Service!
WEATHER: Monday 05.31.10
May Daily Weather Report
Hallo Bay * Homer
Homer Webcams
HALLO BAY (observed weather from Camp: 08:00am)
58º 34.062 N, 153º 54.053 W
Weather Conditions: Mostly cloudy, occasional drizzle
Visibility: 35+ miles
Ceiling: 3,000 feet
Wind: 1 to 2 mph out of NW
Wind Gusts: to 2 mph
Current Temp: 43F (6.1c)
High Daytime Temp Yesterday: 47F (8.3c)
Barometric Pressure: 29.68 Steady
Outside Humidity: 91%
Rainfall: 0.08 Total inches last 24 hours
Rainfall: 0.34 Total inches for May
Rainfall: 0.34 Total inches since May 21, 2010
Observed Sea Swell off Beach: 1.0 feet
Actual Sunrise: 5:15 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:23 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 3:56 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 12:43 AM
Moon Rise: 1:59 AM
Moon Set: 8:49 AM
Moon: Waning Gibbous, 86% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 20h 46m
Length of Day: 18h 08m
Tomorrow will be 3m 8s longer
The final weld was completed on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline
TIGGER FORECAST: when she wants to!
Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Mostly cloudy with isolated rain showers, and isolated thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs in the upper 50F to lower 70F (13.3c to 21.1c) except in the upper 70F (24.4c) inland. Lows in 40F (4.4c). Variable wind to 10 mph
Actual Sunrise: 4:59 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:09 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 3:40 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 12:29 AM
Moon Rise: 1:45 AM
Moon Set: 8:33 AM
Have a Safe Day!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
WEATHER: Sunday 05.30.10
May Daily Weather Report
Hallo Bay * Homer
Homer Webcams
HALLO BAY Camp Weather Update: 12:30pm
Weather station repairs have been made---up & running again
Latitude 58.34.063 * Longitude 153.54.052
58º 34.062 N, 153º 54.053 W
Weather Conditions: Mostly cloudy, periods of drizzle
Visibility: 10 miles - 6 miles
Ceiling: Unlimited - 3,000 feet
Wind: E 10 to 20 mph - 12 to 14 mph E
Wind Gusts: to 30 mph - 17 mph
Current Temp: 46 - Highs in upper 50F to mid 60F (13.3c to 18.3c),
> Lows in upper 30F to mid 40F (2.2c to 7.2c)
High Daytime Temp Yesterday: 51
Barometric Pressure: 29.90 Falling - 29.83 Steady
Outside Humidity: 55% - 92%
Rainfall: 0.02 Total inches last 24 hours
Rainfall: 0.28 Total inches for May
Rainfall: 0.28 Total inches since May 21, 2010
Observed Sea Swell off Beach: 2.0 feet+
Actual Sunrise: 5:16 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:21 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 3:59 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 12:40 AM
Moon Rise: 1:38 AM
Moon Set: 7:28 AM
Moon: Waning Gibbous, 92% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 20h 40m
imagine what you could see with this much daylight!
Length of Day: 18h 05m
Tomorrow will be 3m 14s longer
The vessels of Captain James Cook discovered Turnagain Arm of Cook Inlet
TIGGER FORECAST: taking time off for the holiday!
Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Partly cloudy with isolated rain showers. Highs in upper 50F to lower 70F (13.3c to 21.1c) except in mid 70F (23.9c) inland. Lows in upper 30F to low 40F (2.2c to 4.4c). Variable wind to 10 mph
Actual Sunrise: 5:00 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:07 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 3:42 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 12:26 AM
Moon Rise: 1:23 AM
Moon Set: 7:11 AM
Have a Safe Day!
As you dream of bears this holiday weekend,
we thought you might enjoy this video
of guitar music: "Pure Imagination"
"We'll begin
With a spin
Traveling in
The world of my creation
What we'll see
Will defy
...experience a place where time travel
isn't make believe, in a land called
Hallo Bay!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Camp Update: 05.29.10 by Brad
Grasses are growing, the flowers are appearing, and alders are finally starting to bud.
Bears seem to be getting more active. We're seeing them on a regular basis clamming when the tide is out, and have even had a couple walk nearby Camp to spy on our work activity. They must approve because they just took a quick look then meandered on back into the trees.
We have guests here in Camp for this Holiday weekend. We hope you enjoy our moose prints on the beach, and the buoy that was playfully chewed on by our neighborhood bear! More updates soon.
Have a safe holiday everybody, be well, and remember our Veterans...and enjoy your freedom.
You enjoy our breathtaking wilderness,
We'll keep an eye on the wildlife!
Visit Hallo Bay
Moose: Tracks of Mama and Calf ©BGarasky
Hallo Bay Moose:
Mama and Calf Hoofprints in Sand
Brad Garasky © Hallo Bay Bear Camp
close up view
Hallo Bay Buoy ©BGarasky
Buoy Chewed on by Bear
(see yesterday's pic w/bear)
Brad Garasky © Hallo Bay Bear Camp
Hallo Bay News: Simyra and Joyce
Our Camp Cook for June!
WEATHER: Saturday 05.29.10
May Daily Weather Report
Hallo Bay * Homer
Homer Webcams
HALLO BAY (observed weather from Camp: 08:00am)
Latitude 58.34.063 * Longitude 153.54.052
58º 34.062 N, 153º 54.053 W
Weather Conditions: Cloudy, light showers, clear E
Visibility: 6 miles
Ceiling: 3,000 feet & improving
Wind: 14-18 mph out of the E
Wind Gusts: to 24 mph
Current Temp: Highs in mid 50F to lower 60F (12.8c to 15.6c),
> Lows in upper 30F to lower 40F (2.2c to 4.4c)
High Daytime Temp Yesterday: --
Barometric Pressure: 30.00 Steady
Outside Humidity: 57%
Rainfall: -.00 Total inches last 24 hours
Rainfall: -.00 Total inches for May
Rainfall: -.00 Total inches since May 21, 2010
(repairs by Sunday)
Observed Sea Swell off Beach: 2.0+ feet
Actual Sunrise: 5:18 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:20 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 4:02 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 12:37 AM
Moon Rise: 1:02 AM
Moon Set: 6:14 AM
Moon: Full Moon, 97% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 20h 34m
Length of Day: 18h 01m
Tomorrow will be 3m 21s longer
The U.S. Army activated the Shemya post with 236 officers, seven of them women, and 4,565 enlisted men
TIGGER FORECAST: just relaxing today!
Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Mostly to partly cloudy. Isolated showers. Highs in the mid 50F to mid 60F (12.8c to 18.3c), except in the mid 70F (23.9c) inland. Lows in lower to mid 40F (4.4c to 7.2c). Variable wind to 10 mph
Actual Sunrise: 5:02 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:05 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 3:45 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 12:23 AM
Moon Rise: 12:47 AM
Moon Set: 5:57 AM
Have a Safe Day!
Take nothing but pictures.
Leave nothing but footprints.
Kill nothing but time.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Camp Update: 05.28.10 by Brad
"Beautiful weather, the stuff dreams are made of." All guest cabins are up, painted, furnished, and awaiting our guests. The galley is fully functional and running well...Camp Cook: Phaedra is happy about that! There was a bear interested in the waterline running to Camp, and the leak was discovered when Brad pumped water and had himself a nice surprise shower - yes, it has been securely fixed...darn ol' playful bears!
No white wolf yet, but plenty of wolf prints. Moose have been seen on the beach, and this is about the time their antlers start to grow. We've seen bears doing a lot of clamming in the tidal flats. According to our pilots, about the only bear activity along Katmai Coast is located around Camp. Out on the beach, we've even had a bear out by the windsock playing with the buoy! (hopefully my photo will turn out okay)
Our famous Camp Mailbox had a bit of a rough winter, but it has been spruced up for our new Season. It is beautiful here.
Step away from the rest of the world,
...to Hallo Bay!
WEATHER: Friday 05.28.10
May Daily Weather Report
Hallo Bay * Homer
Homer Webcams
HALLO BAY (observed weather from Camp: 10:30am)
Latitude 58.34.063 * Longitude 153.54.052
58º 34.062 N, 153º 54.053 W
Weather Conditions: Partly cloudy
Visibility: Cloudy above 3,000 feet
Wind: 10 to 15 mph out of the NE
Wind Gusts: to 21 mph and increasing
Current Temp: Highs in mid 50F to lower 60F (12.8c to 15.6c),
> Lows in lower to mid 40F (4.4c to 7.2c)
High Daytime Temp Yesterday: --
Barometric Pressure: 29.97 Falling
Outside Humidity: 51%
Rainfall: -.00 Total inches last 24 hours
Rainfall: -.00 Total inches for May
Rainfall: -.00 Total inches since May 21, 2010
(repairs by Sunday)
Observed Sea Swell off Beach: 1.0 to 2.0 feet
Actual Sunrise: 5:19 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:18 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 4:05 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 12:34 AM
Moon Rise: 12:05 AM
Moon Set: 5:16 AM
Moon: Full Moon, 99% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 20h 29m
Length of Day: 17h 58m
Tomorrow will be 3m 29s longer
The U.S. Senate ratified the treaty providing for the purchase of Alaska from Russia. Ninety-one years later, on May 28, 1958, the House of Representatives passed the Alaska statehood bill by a vote of 208-166
TIGGER FORECAST: when she wants, & right now, she doesn't!
Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Partly cloudy. Highs in the upper 50F to upper 60F (13.3c to 18.9c) except in the mid 70F (23.9c) inland. Lows in the upper 30F to mid 40F (2.2c to 7.2c). Light winds becoming N 15 mph in the afternoon, and S to 15 mph in evening
Actual Sunrise: 5:03 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:03 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 3:48 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 12:30 AM
Moon Rise: No Moon Rise
Moon Set: 4:59 AM
Have a Safe Day!
To the lover of wilderness,
Alaska is one of the most
wonderful countries in the world.
John Muir
Thursday, May 27, 2010
WEATHER: Thursday 05.27.10
May Daily Weather Report
Hallo Bay * Homer
Homer Webcams
Latitude 58.34.063 * Longitude 153.54.052
58º 34.062 N, 153º 54.053 W
Weather Conditions: Partly cloudy
Visibility: 10 miles
Wind: E 10 to 20 mph, except E 20 to 35 mph along western Capes
Wind Gusts: --
Current Temp: Highs in mid 60F (18.3c), except in upper 40F to upper 50F (7.8c to 13.3c) along western Capes & Alaska Peninsula >Lows around 40F (4.4c)
High Daytime Temp Yesterday: --
Barometric Pressure: 30.06 Falling
Outside Humidity: 59%
Rainfall: -.00 Total inches last 24 hours
Rainfall: -.00 Total inches for May
Rainfall: -.00 Total inches since May 21, 2010
Observed Sea Swell off Beach: --
Actual Sunrise: 5:21 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:16 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 4:07 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 12:31 AM
Moon Rise: No Moon Rise
Moon Set: 4:37 AM
Moon: Full *Flower Moon, 100% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 20h 23m
Length of Day: 17h 54m
Tomorrow will be 3m 34s longer
The steamer White Seal was launched at Fairbanks, the first registered vessel to be built on the Tanana River
TIGGER FORECAST: being mellow!
* Full Flower Moon: May in most areas, flowers are abundant everywhere during this time. Thus, the name of this Moon. Other names include the Full Corn Planting Moon, or the Milk Moon
Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Mostly sunny and clear. Highs in the lower to mid 60F (18.3c), except in the mid 70F (23.9c) inland. Lows in mid 30F to lower 40F (1.7c to 4.4c). Light winds. Around Kachemak Bay, variable wind 10 mph becoming SW 10 to 15 mph in the afternoon
Actual Sunrise: 5:05 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:02 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 3:51 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 12:17 AM
Moon Rise: 11:50 PM
Moon Set: 4:21 AM
Have a Safe Day!
"When a pine needle falls in the forest,
the eagle sees it;
the deer hears it,
and the bear smells it."
- an old First Nations saying