New Year's eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Weather: Saturday 12.31.11
Hallo Bay * Homer
Webcams: Live 24/7
Homer~Kachemak Bay
Homer Birdcam
Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Mostly cloudy with isolated snow showers. Lows -10F to 10F (-23.3c to -12.2c). Highs 5F to 15F (-15c to -9.4c)
Visibility: 10 miles
Ceiling: 3,000'
Wind: Light today, except SW 15 mph around Kachemak Bay. Tonight will be light winds, becoming NE to 15 mh after midnight
Barometric Pressure: 29.88 Rising
Outside Humidity: 67%
Tigger Forecast: watching Simyra shoveling snow. [Tigger wants everybody to know that we should have the webcams fixed tonight - more on this tomorrow]
Actual Sunrise: 10:05 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 4:12 PM
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 9:10 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 5:08 PM
Moon Rise: 11:53 AM
Moon Set: 12:51 AM
Moon: FIRST QUARTER, 47% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 7h 58m
Length of Day: 6h 06m
Tomorrow will be 1m 46s longer
THIS DATE IN ALASKA HISTORY: December 31, 1917 -
All saloons and liquor stores in Alaska were to close at midnight under a new law approved by a majority of Alaska voters /more: Volstead Act and Prohibition and Temperance Movement and Cornelia Hatcher
METEOR SHOWERS: Quadrantids: January 3~4
► EARTH CAM: New Year's Live Celebrations Worldwide!
58º 34’10.10 N, 153º 53’57.58 W
Weather Conditions: Partly to mostly cloudy. Patchy morning and evening fog. Lows -20F to -30F (-28.9c to -34.4c), except -15F to 5F (-26.1c to -15c) along western capes and Alaska Peninsula. Highs -10F (-23.3c), except -5F to 5F (-20.6c to -15c) along western capes and Alaska Peninsula. Wind is Variable to 10 mph, then tonight becoming NW to 10 mph
Actual Sunrise: 10:20 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 4:28 PM
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 9:24 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 5:23 PM
Moon Rise: 12:08 PM
Moon Set: 1:07 AM
Have a Safe Day and a wonderful New Year's Eve! was a beary wonderful year!
Thank You...
Thank You!
...for being a part of our online family this past year.
We've enjoyed showing you the wonders of Alaska
from Hallo Bay Bear Camp in Katmai National Park.
We look forward to you being with us for another year.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful New Year in 2012.
Our Mission Statement:
“We will strive to protect and preserve this beautiful and wildlife rich wilderness area we are entrusted with. Thus armed with the tools of education and knowledge we will venture into the realm of the Great Bear, what was and what must continue to be, surely, one of the last great cornerstones of this planet.”
The Fishing Lesson ©CAndersonTX
Oh look, I caught a fish!
Oops...I lost it!
Hey, let's play in the water!
Come on, let's play!
Pay attention. This is how you catch a fish...
Oh, my paw smells like fish!
Mom Bear: "sigh"
Year End Reveiw: The Fishing Lesson
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Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Species: BROWN BEAR Ursus Arctos
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"If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive."
Friday, December 30, 2011
Weather: Friday 12.30.11
Hallo Bay * Homer
Webcams: Live 24/7
Homer~Kachemak Bay
Homer Birdcam
Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Morning: light snow. Afternoon: scattered snow showers, occasional blowing snow. Tonight: cloudy with isolated snow showers. Lows -10F to 10F (-23.3c to -12.2c). Highs 10F to 15F (-12.2c to -9.4c)
Visibility: 1.8 miles
Ceiling: 1,800'
Wind: Light. Around Kachemak Bay: SW 10 to 20 mph, with occasional gusts to 25 mph
Barometric Pressure: 29.36 Rising
Outside Humidity: 79%
Tigger Forecast: It's cold! Snowy! Time for a warm nap
Actual Sunrise: 10:06 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 4:10 PM
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 9:10 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 5:07 PM
Moon Rise: 11:44 AM
Moon Set: No Moon Set
Moon: Waxing Crescent, 36% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 7h 56m
Length of Day: 6h 04m
Tomorrow will be 1m 37s longer
THIS DATE IN ALASKA HISTORY: December 30, 1938 -
E. W. Griffen, Secretary of Alaska, died suddenly at Juneau
AURORA FORECAST: Moderate (3) (New Year's Forecast: CLICK HERE)
METEOR SHOWERS: Quadrantids: January 3~4
58º 34’10.10 N, 153º 53’57.58 W
Weather Conditions: Snow showers with blowing snow. Patchy morning fog. Lows -25 to -30F (-31.7c to -34.4c). Highs -10F to -15F (-23.3c to -26.1c). Wind NW to 10 mph, becoming light tonight. ALong Alaska Peninsula: NW 20 to 30 mph, then tonight N 10 to 20 mph
Actual Sunrise: 10:20 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 4:46 PM
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 9:24 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 5:22 PM
Moon Rise: 11:59 AM
Moon Set: No Moon Set
Have a Safe Day!
Do Wolves Fish? ©CAndersonTX
Do Wolves Fish?
Of Course They Do!
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Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Species: WOLF Canis Lupus
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"Throughout the centuries we have projected on to the wolf the qualities we most despise and fear in ourselves."
Impressive Brown Bear ©CAndersonTX
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Species: BROWN BEAR Ursus Arctos
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"But love of the wilderness is more than a hunger for what is always beyond reach; it is also an expression of loyalty to the earth which bore us and sustains us, the only home we shall ever know, the only paradise we ever need - if only we had eyes to see."
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Weather: Thursday 12.29.11
Hallo Bay * Homer
Webcams: Live 24/7
Homer~Kachemak Bay
Homer Birdcam
Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Mostly cloudy, with snow showers. Patchy morning fog. Lows -10F to 10F (-23.3c to -12.2c). Highs 5F to 20F (-15c to -6.7c)
Visibility: 2.5 miles
Ceiling: 2,100'
Wind: Light for today and tonight. Around Kachemak Bay W 15 to 25 mph, then tonight SW 15 to 20 mph
Barometric Pressure: 29.34 Rising
Outside Humidity: 84%
Tigger Forecast: Cold! Snuggled in for a warm nap, then kitty treats
Actual Sunrise: 10:06 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 4:09 PM
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 9:10 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 5:06 PM
Moon Rise: 11:35 AM
Moon Set: 11:34 PM
Moon: Waxing Crescent, 27% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 7h 55m
Length of Day: 6h 0-3m
Tomorrow will be 1m 27s longer
THIS DATE IN ALASKA HISTORY: December 29, 1906 -
The Elliott Creek (*map) post office was established. It was discontinued at the end of the year 1910 /more: digital geological photos and digital forgotten mining camp photos and Elliot Highway and Harry Elliot [*Elliott Creek can be found by following Copper River, past Tonsina River, down to Kolsina River then up to find Elliot Creek area]
METEOR SHOWERS: Quadrantids: January 3~4
58º 34’10.10 N, 153º 53’57.58 W
Weather Conditions: Mostly cloudy, with isolated snow showers. Patchy morning fog. Lows -20F to -25F (-6.7c to -3.9c). Highs zero to -10F (-17.8c to -23.3c). Variable wind to 10 mph
Actual Sunrise: 10:20 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 4:25 PM
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 9:24 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 5:21 PM
Moon Rise: 11:50 AM
Moon Set: 11:50 PM
Have a Safe Day!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Bear Prints on Tidal Flats ©DTollefsrud
Hallo Bay Bear Camp
Bear Prints On Tidal Flats
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Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Species: BROWN BEAR Ursus Arctos
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"For if one link
in nature's chain
might be lost,
another might be lost,
until the whole of things
will vanish by piecemeal."
Halibut Chowder Recipe
A Good Recipe:
A hearty halibut chowder makes a great meal for a cold winter day. I’ve been using the recipe below for years, and never tire of making or eating it.
I prefer the vegetables to be slightly under-done, not mushy. As for the fish, the bite-size chunks cook quickly, so I add them after the vegetables. If added too early, they fall apart.
Halibut Chowder
(serves 4)
1 pound filleted, boneless, skinless halibut sliced to 3/4-inch cubes
1/2 cup each onion, celery, carrots, green bell pepper, finely chopped
2 cups chicken broth
1 cup whole milk
4 Tbsp. butter
2 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp white pepper
1/2 tsp. minced fresh taragon, or l/4 t. dried (optional)
1 1/2 cups sharp cheddar cheese, grated or shredded
1/4 cup parsley or thinly sliced scallion greens
In a 4-quart sauce pan over medium heat, saute vegetables in 2 Tbsp. butter until onion is soft, about 2 minutes. Add chicken broth, salt and pepper, and simmer covered for 5 minutes. Add milk, halibut and taragon, and again bring to a simmer. Melt remaining 2 Tbsp. butter, combine with 2 Tbsp. flour and stir into simmering chowder. Stir continuously until chowder thickens. Add the cheese and stir until melted. Serve immediately. Garnish with snipped parsley or sliced scallion greens.
Weather: Wednesday 12.28.11
Hallo Bay * Homer
Webcams: Live 24/7
Homer~Kachemak Bay
Homer Birdcam
Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Mostly cloudy with scattered snow showers. Lows -5F to -10F (-20.6c to -23.3c). Highs 10F to 15F (-12.2c to -9.4c)
Visibility: 10 miles
Ceiling: 3,700'
Wind: Light, except W 15 mph around Kachemak Bay late afternoon and tonight
Barometric Pressure: 29.13 Steady
Outside Humidity: 71%
Tigger Forecast: snoozing when she's not watching the birdfeeder!
Actual Sunrise: 10:06 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 4:08 PM
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 9:10 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 5:05 PM
Moon Rise: 11:25 AM
Moon Set: 10:15 PM
Moon: Waxing Crescent, 20% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 7h 54m
Length of Day: 6h 02m
Tomorrow will be 1m 16s longer
THIS DATE IN ALASKA HISTORY: December 28, 1934 -
A Juneau lodge of the Sons of Norway was initiated at the Odd Fellows Hall
METEOR SHOWERS: Quadrantids: January 3~4
58º 34’10.10 N, 153º 53’57.58 W
Weather Conditions: Mostly cloudy, with patchy fog in the morning and again after midnight. Lows -15F to -20F (-26.1c to -28.9c). Highs zero to -5F (-17.8c to -20.6c). Light winds, becoming Variable to 10 mph tonight
Actual Sunrise: 10:20 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 4:24 PM
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 9:24 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 5:20 PM
Moon Rise: 11:40 AM
Moon Set: 10:31 PM
Have a Safe Day!
Trying to teach the birds
how to use the snow shovel!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Brown Bear: Getting A Drink! ©BGarasky
Hallo Bay Bear Camp
A look back to last season...
Brown Bear: Getting A Drink!
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Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Species: BROWN BEAR Ursus Arctos
Red Fox at Camp! ©BGarasky
Brad's Lil' Buddy! (spring 2011)
Lil' Buddy at Tomahawk Target
In front of Simyra's Cabin (spring 2011)
Always Watchful!
Beside Cabin #2 - looking for the camp bunny!
A look back on early spring at Camp
This area is very lush with vegetation
in mid-June. If you watch our weather report
you'll see long daylight hours.
Perfect for viewing all types of critters
out at Hallo Bay Bear Camp
Katmai National Park, Alaska
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Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Species: RED FOX Vulpes vulpes
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"I can enjoy society in a room;
but out of doors,
nature is company enough for me"
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