Tuesday, June 30, 2009
John's Camp Diary: June 2009
We watched a mom and 2 cubs clamming in the flats, then moved to the bluff. Firecracker, a 3 and a half year old female, moved up scree (loose crumbled rock that is often off a cliff or a bluff) and bedded down at the base of the bluff. We watched one bear chase another out of the meadow. We also saw a mom and two spring cubs move north on Hallo Beach to the Bootleg for refuge. They were very nervous!
Morty's Camp Diary: June 2009
Yesterday when I finished mopping the galley floor, I went out back to empty my mop bucket and who do you think I saw? It was my friend the Golden Crowned Sparrow! I had been trying to get a photo of him for most of a month. I finally got a picture of him but he led me on a merry chase! And now when I don't have my camera with me, only my mop and bucket, he dances about in front of me, just as friendly and unafraid as can be. I stopped and stared at him. I also scolded him a bit for teasing me like that! I think he knew very well that when my hands are otherwise occupied he has no fear of getting shot with a camera. He's also not the only sparrow at camp anymore. I was hearing at least 2 this afternoon. Perhaps he's finally found his mate! I like to think so, anyway.
Morty's Peach Pie! Thank you:
Bill & Nancy Coughlin © Hallo Bay Camp
WEATHER: Tuesday 063009
Observed Weather at Hallo Bay Camp
7:00 AM
New Weather 8:00AM
New Weather 8:00AM
Weather Conditions: Clear
Overcast conditions forming in area
Visibility: 35 miles
Ceiling: Clear
8,000 ft to N & E, 1,000 ft to W & S
Wind: 1 mph out of NW
5 mph out of NE
Wind Gusts: to 2 mph
to 5 mph
Current Temp: 40.4F 4.66c
High Daytime Temp Yesterday: 68.3F 20.16c
Barometric Pressure: 30.32 and steady
Outside Humidity: 95%
Rainfall: 0.00 Total inches last 24 hours
Rainfall: 3.74 Total inches for June
Rainfall: 7.91 Total inches since May 12, 2009
Observed Sea Swell off Beach: Calm to 1.0 feet
Homer Office Webcam
Tigger Forecast: cat napping, no report
Actual Sunrise: 5:06 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:42 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 3:34 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 1:13 AM
Moon Rise: 5:19 PM
Moon Set: 1:13 AM
Moon: Waxing Gibbous, 62% of Moon is Illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 21h 38h
Length of Day: 18h 35m
Tomorrow will be 1m 44s shorter
Have a Safe Day
Monday, June 29, 2009
Morty's Camp Diary: June 2009
We saw a mother and yearling cubs feed briefly at the western end of the meadow. There were 2 teenagers (in bear years) sparred, wrestled and practiced their jujitsu in the meadow for about 45 minutes, fed, then left the meadow on the trail. A fox waved good-bye to us as we left the meadow in the afternoon. Mitch and Morty also saw a bear from camp. We could see her clamming while the tide was out.
WEATHER: Monday 062909
Observed Weather at Hallo Bay Camp
7:00 AM
Weather Conditions: Blue Sky w/Scattered Clouds
Visibility: 35 miles
Ceiling: Clear
Wind: 10 mph out of W
Wind Gusts: to 20 mph
Current Temp: 54.8F 12.22c
High Daytime Temp Yesterday: 69.2F 20.56c
Barometric Pressure: 30.15 and rising
Outside Humidity: 61%
Rainfall: 0.00 Total inches last 24 hours
Rainfall: 3.74 Total iches for June
Rainfall: 7.91 Total inches since May 12, 2009
Observed Sea Swell off Beach: Calm to 1.0 feet
Homer Office Webcam
Tigger Forecast: resting, no report
Actual Sunrise: 5:05 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:42 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 3:32 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 1:14 AM
Moon Rise: 3:49 PM
Moon Set: 1:18 AM
Moon: First Quarter, 52% of Moon is Illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 21h 42m
Length of Day: 18h 36m
Tomorrow will be 1m 34s shorter
Have a Safe Day
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Morty's Camp Diary: June 2009
We all went to bed and all was quiet until about 1 AM. Some wolves started howling and that went on for a while. It was the first time we heard them howl this summer. We have been seeing their tracks every day and all over the place, but we so seldom actually see or hear them. I don't know what time it was when they finally quit howling, and I fell asleep, only to have morning come much too soon! But I so enjoyed the excitement of the evening. It's what life at Hallo Bay Bear Camp is all about.
Wolf © Hallo Bay Bear Camp
(file photo)
WEATHER: Sunday 062809
Observed Weather at Hallo Bay Camp
7:00 AM
Weather Conditions: Clear blue sky
Visibility: 50 miles
Ceiling: Clear
Wind: 25 mph out of W
Wind Gusts: to 40 mph
Current Temp: 53F 11.67c
High Daytime Temp Yesterday: 69F 20.56c
Barometric Pressure: 30.00 and increasing
Outside Humidity: 60%
Rainfall: 0.00 Total inches last 24 hours
Rainfall: 3.74 Total inches for June
Rainfall: 7.91 Total inches since May 12, 2009
Observed Sea Swell off Beach: 1.0 to 2.0 feet
Homer Office Webcam
Tigger Forecast: resting, observing beautiful day!
Actual Sunrise: 5:05 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:43 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 3:31 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 1:16 AM
Moon Rise: 2:19 PM
Moon Set: 1:15 AM
Moon: Waxing Cresent, 41% of Moon is Illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 21h 45m
Length of Day: 18h 38m
Tomorrow will be 1m 25s shorter
Have a Safe Day
Saturday, June 27, 2009
WEATHER: Saturday 062709
Observed Weather at Hallo Bay Camp
7:00 AM
Weather Conditions: Clear
Visibility: 40 miles
Ceiling: Clear
Wind: 10 mph out of WNW
Wind Gusts: to 15 mph
Current Temp: 53F 11.67c
High Daytime Temp Yesterday: 52F 11.11c
Barometric Pressure: 29.93 and steady
Outside Humidity: 67%
Rainfall: 0.04 Total inches last 24 hours
Rainfall: 3.74 Total inches for June
Rainfall: 7.91 Total inches since May 12, 2009
Observed Sea Swell off Beach: calm to 1.0 feet
Homer Office Webcam
Tigger Forecast: resting, no report
Actual Sunrise: 5:04 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:43 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 3:29 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 1:17 AM
Moon Rise: 12:46 PM
Moon Set: 1:11 AM
Moon: Waxing crescent, 30% of Moon is Illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 21h 48m
Length of Day: 18h 39m
Tomorow will be 1m 15s shorter
Have a Safe Day
Friday, June 26, 2009
Chris Anderson from Texas
Who is Chris Anderson from Texas, that takes these wonderful photographs?
Meet Chris:
Meet Chris:
Male and Female Grizzly
How to determine the difference between male and female grizzly bears:
By Professor Larry, Guide John, and written by Morty:
How does one tell whether a grizzly is a male or female without getting too close to it? I don't know as there's any sure way from a distance, but here are some guidelines we use to tell them apart.
The male is usually bigger than the female. His head appears to be smaller in comparison to his body. The females usually appear to have shorter legs and are a bit more squat in appearance. Females have a shorter "wheel base" as one so ingeniusly put it.
It's not really hard to tell the males from the females in the mating season, which is in May and June. The male often walks with a swaying walk with their hind legs farther apart than normal. The folks at Hallo Bay have dubbed it "the cowboy walk". They really do look like a bow-legged cowboy!
The female is more likely to be digging for clams. For some unknown reason it seems that the males don't often dig for clams. So if one is seen digging for clams, it's very likely a female.
And, of course, the tried and true way to tell the males from the females is to watch them urinate. The males urinate forward, and the females backward! If you are lucky enough to see that, then you will know without a doubt whether the bear you are seeing is a boy or girl grizzly. * Clint has more on this in "Comments"
By Professor Larry, Guide John, and written by Morty:
How does one tell whether a grizzly is a male or female without getting too close to it? I don't know as there's any sure way from a distance, but here are some guidelines we use to tell them apart.
The male is usually bigger than the female. His head appears to be smaller in comparison to his body. The females usually appear to have shorter legs and are a bit more squat in appearance. Females have a shorter "wheel base" as one so ingeniusly put it.
It's not really hard to tell the males from the females in the mating season, which is in May and June. The male often walks with a swaying walk with their hind legs farther apart than normal. The folks at Hallo Bay have dubbed it "the cowboy walk". They really do look like a bow-legged cowboy!
The female is more likely to be digging for clams. For some unknown reason it seems that the males don't often dig for clams. So if one is seen digging for clams, it's very likely a female.
And, of course, the tried and true way to tell the males from the females is to watch them urinate. The males urinate forward, and the females backward! If you are lucky enough to see that, then you will know without a doubt whether the bear you are seeing is a boy or girl grizzly. * Clint has more on this in "Comments"
WEATHER: Friday 062609
Observed Weather at Hallo Bay Camp
7:00 AM
Adverse Weather (8:00AM)
Adverse Weather (9:00AM)
McNeil Report: 8:30AM
Adverse Weather (8:00AM)
Adverse Weather (9:00AM)
McNeil Report: 8:30AM
Weather Conditions: Cloudy
Rain-steady drizzle
Overcast & drizzle on 'n off
Overcast w/patches of blue
Visibility: 25 miles
Down to 8 - 10 miles
2 miles
Ceiling: 3500 feet
Over 3000 feet
1500 to 2500 feet
Wind: 4 mph out of E
4 mph out of NW
steady 4 mph out of NW
10 mph out of E
Wind Gusts: to 8 mph
to 5 mph
No gusts
Current Temp: 41F 5c
High Daytime Temp Yesterday: 52F 11.11c
Barometric Pressure: 29.93 and steady
Outside Humidity: 91%
Rainfall: 0.00 Total inches last 24 hours
Rainfall: 3.70 Total inches for June
Rainfall: 7.87 Total inches since May 12, 2009
Observed Sea Swell off Beach: Calm to 1.0 feet
Homer Office Webcam
Tigger Forecast: resting, dreaming, no report
Actual Sunrise: 5:03 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:44 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 3:28 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 1:18 AM
Moon Rise: 11:09 AM
Moon Set: 1:06 AM
Moon: Waxing crescent, 20% of Moon is Illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 21h 50m
Length of Day: 18h 40m
Tomorrow will be 1m 6s shorter
Have a Safe Day
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Photography: Hallo Bay Tidal Flats
WEATHER: Thursday 062509
Observed Weather at Hallo Bay Camp
7:00 AM
Weather Conditions: Blue sky w/few high clouds
Visibility: 40 miles
Ceiling: clear
Wind: 0 mph out of NW
Wind Gusts: to 2 mph
Current Temp: 40F 4.44c
High Daytime Temp Yesterday: 52F 11.11c
Barometric Pressure: 29.84 and steady
Outside Humidity: 92%
Rainfall: 0.02 Total inches last 24 hours
Rainfall: 3.70 Total inches for June
Rainfall: 7.87 Total inches since May 12, 2009
Observed Sea Swell off Beach: calm to 1.0 feet
Homer Office Webcam
Tigger Forecast: resting, no report
Actual Sunrise: 5:02 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:44 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 3:26 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 1:19 AM
Moon Rise: 9:27 AM
Moon Set: 12:59 AM
Moon: Waxing Crescent, 11% of Moon is Illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 21h 53m
Length of Day: 18h 41m
Tomorrow will be 0m 54s shorter
Have a Safe Day
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
WEATHER: Wednesday 062409
Observed Weather at Hallo Bay Camp
7:00 AM
Weather Conditions: Overcast with light rain
Visibility: 6 miles
Ceiling: 3000 feet
Wind: 1 mph out of the NW
Current Temp: 44F 6.67c
High Daytime Temp Yesterday: 55F 12.78c
Barometric Pressure: 29.85 and steady
Outside Humidity: 96%
Rainfall: 0.08 Total inches last 24 hours
Rainfall: 2.68 Total inches for June
Rainfall: 7.85 Total inches since May 12, 2009
Observed Sea Swell off Beach: calm to 1.0 feet
Homer Office Webcam
Tigger Forecast: resting (dreaming of cranes & moose)
Actual Sunrise: 5:02 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:44 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 3:25 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 1:20 AM
Moon Rise: 7:39 AM
Moon Set: 12:46 AM
Moon: Waxing crescent, 5% of Moon is Illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 21h 54m
Length of Day: 18h 42m
Tomorrow will be 0m 45s shorter
Have a Safe Day
Length of Visible Daylight: 21h 54m
Length of Day: 18h 42m
Tomorrow will be 0m 45s shorter
Have a Safe Day
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Bird: Golden Crowned Sparrow
WEATHER: Tuesday 062309
Observed Weather at Hallo Bay Camp
7:00 AM
Weather Conditions: Cloudy
Visibility: 40 miles
Ceiling: 5000 feet
Wind: 4 mph out of NW
Wind Gusts: to 6 mph
Current Temp: 42F 5.56c
High Daytime Temp Yesterday: 59F 15c
Barometric Pressure: 29.67 and steady
Outside Humidity: 81%
Rainfall: 0.13 Total inches last 24 hours
Rainfall: 3.60 Total inches for June
Rainfall: 7.76 Total inches since May 12, 2009
Observed Sea Swell off Beach: 0 to 1.0 feet
Homer Office Webcam
Tigger Forecast: resting, no reporting
Actual Sunrise: 5:01 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:44 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 3:25 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 1:21 AM
Moon Rise: 5:51 AM
Moon Set: 12:23AM
New Moon: 1% of Moon is Illuminated
Length of Visible Light: 21h 56m
Length of Daylight: 18h 42m
Tomorrow will be 0m 33s shorter
Have a Safe Day
Length of Visible Light: 21h 56m
Length of Daylight: 18h 42m
Tomorrow will be 0m 33s shorter
Have a Safe Day
Monday, June 22, 2009
Fannie: Hallo Bay Camp Manager
Kensington Mine - Supreme Court
Supreme Court decides in favor of Kensington mine owner
Posted by Alaska_Politics
Posted: June 22, 2009 - 7:26 am
Anchorage Daily News
From Erika Bolstad in Washington D.C.
In a closely watched environmental case, the U.S. Supreme Court has decided 6-3 in favor of Couer Alaska Inc., which seeks to reopen the Kensington gold mine near Juneau. The court ruled Monday morning that the company's permit to discharge slurry from its gold-mining operation was not only lawful, but that the permit was appropriately issued by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers.
Environmentalists had objected to the company's proposal to dispose of tailings from gold mining into Lower Slate Lake in the Tongass National Forest. ...read more
Posted by Alaska_Politics
Posted: June 22, 2009 - 7:26 am
Anchorage Daily News
From Erika Bolstad in Washington D.C.
In a closely watched environmental case, the U.S. Supreme Court has decided 6-3 in favor of Couer Alaska Inc., which seeks to reopen the Kensington gold mine near Juneau. The court ruled Monday morning that the company's permit to discharge slurry from its gold-mining operation was not only lawful, but that the permit was appropriately issued by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers.
Environmentalists had objected to the company's proposal to dispose of tailings from gold mining into Lower Slate Lake in the Tongass National Forest. ...read more
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