March Daily Weather Report
Hallo Bay * Homer
Homer Webcams
Latitude 58.34.063 * Longitude 153.54.052
Weather Conditions: Blizzard Warning remains in effect until noon akst today TODAY: Snow and blowing snow. Visibility one quarter mile or less at times in the morning. Snow accumulation 2 to 5 inches. Highs in the upper teens to mid 20F (-8.9c to -3.9c) and dropping throughout the day. Wind NE 20 to 45 mph shifting to the west 20 to 35 mph in the afternoon TONIGHT: Areas of blowing snow in the evening. Snow accumulation 1 to 3 inches. Lows zero to 5F above (-17.8c to -15c). Wind W 25 to 40 mph
Actual Sunrise: 8:06 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 6:59 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 7:25 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 7:40 PM
Moon Rise: 2:22 AM
Moon Set: 8:39 AM
Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Snow, scattered areas of rain
Visibility: 1 mile
Ceiling: --
Wind: TODAY: E to NE 30 to 45 mph becoming NE 10 to 25 mph in the afternoon. Around Kachemak Bay: E 30 to 45 mph shifting to the SE 15 to 30 mph by noon TONIGHT: NE 15 mph increasing to S 15 to 30 mph in the evening
Wind Gusts: Gusts to 45 mph around Kachemak Bay
Predicted Temps: Highs in 30F (-1.1c),
> Lows in mid teens to lower 30F (-9.4c to -1.1c)
Barometric Pressure: 28.72 Falling
Humidity: 93%
Actual Sunrise: 7:51 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 6:44 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 7:10 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 7:25 PM
Moon Rise: 2:07 AM
Moon Set: 8:23 AM
Moon: Waning Gibbous, 69% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 12h 15m
Length of Day: 10h 53m
Tomorrow will be 5m 24s longer
Have a Safe Day!
The "Detroit '59ers," more than fifty families from Michigan motored out
of Detroit toward Alaska with the intent to homestead on the Kenai Peninsula
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