September Daily Weather Report
Hallo Bay * Homer
Homer Webcams
Latitude 58.34.063 * Longitude 153.54.052
Weather Conditions: Mostly cloudy with a chance of rain. Highs in the mid 50F to lower 60F (12.8c to 15.6c). Lows in the 40F (4.4c). Wind E 10 to 25 mph
Actual Sunrise: 8:01 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 8:26 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 7:20 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 9:07 PM
Moon Rise: 7:21 PM
Moon Set: 5:08 AM
Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Cloudy
Visibility: 10 miles
Ceiling: 4,400 ft
Wind: Variable to 10 mph, becoming light
Wind Gusts: -0-
Predicted Temps: Highs in the lower to mid 50F (10c to 12.8c) except in the upper 50F to mid 60F (13.3c to 18.3c) inland. Lows in the upper 30F to mid 40F (2.2c to 7.2c)
Barometric Pressure: 29.97 Falling
Humidity: 80%
Actual Sunrise: 7:46 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 8:11 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 7:04 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 8:52 PM
Moon Rise: 7:06 PM
Moon Set: 4:52 AM
Moon: Waxing Gibbous, 95% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 13h 47m
Length of Day: 12h 24m
Tomorrow will be 5m 20s shorter
Have a Safe Day!
THIS DATE IN ALASKA HISTORY: September 20, 1914 -
The Revenue Cutter Tahoma was wrecked in the Aleutian Islands, a $750,000 loss

►Day Trips for Bear Viewing
will continue until October 15th◄ permitting
will continue until October 15th◄ permitting
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