November Daily Weather Report
Hallo Bay * Homer
Homer Webcams
Latitude 58.34.063 * Longitude 153.54.052
Weather Conditions: Increasing clouds. Chance of snow or light freezing rain over the Alaska Peninsula. Isolated snow showers elsewhere. Highs in the upper 20F to mid 30F (-3.3c to 1.7c). Lows in the lower 20F to lower 30F (-6.7c to -1.1c). Winds NE to N wind 15 to 35 mph, gusts to 45 mph
Actual Sunrise: 9:04 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 5:04 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:18 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 5:51 PM
Moon Rise: 2:03 PM
Moon Set: 8:55 PM
Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Cloudy, low clouds/fog in AM, rain and snow
Visibility: 10 miles
Ceiling: 13,000 ft
Wind: NE 15 to 30 mph, Strong Wind Warning tonight
Wind Gusts: 45 mph
Predicted Temps: Highs: 30F (-1.1c)
Lows: upper 20F to lower 30F (-3.3c to -1.1c)
Barometric Pressure: 29.64 Falling
Humidity: 85%
Actual Sunrise: 8:50 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 4:48 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:03 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 5:35 PM
Moon Rise: 1:48 PM
Moon Set: 8:38 PM
Moon: Waxing crescent, 24% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 9h 32m
Length of Day: 7h 58m
Tomorrow will be 4m 46s shorter
Have a Safe Day!
THIS DATE IN ALASKA HISTORY: November 10, 1897 -
The Skagway post office was established

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