Hallo Bay * Homer
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Homer~Kachemak Bay
Hallo Bay Bear Camp
(observed weather from Camp: 07:25am)
58º 34’10.10 N, 153º 53’57.58 W
Weather Conditions: Mostly Cloudy
Visibility: 6 miles
Ceiling: 2,500' broken clouds
Wind: NE to 9 mph
Wind Gusts: to 14 mph
Current Temp: 48F (8.9c)
High Daytime Temp Yesterday: 49F (9.4c)
Low Temp Last Night: 44F (6.7c)
Barometric Pressure: 29.46 Rising
Outside Humidity: 92%
Rainfall: 02.49 Total inches last 24 hours
-- watch for high water levels! --
Rainfall: 07.39 Total inches for September
Rainfall: 21.07 Total inches since May 14, 2011
Observed Sea Swell off Beach: 2.0'
Tigger Forecast: accurate once again!
Actual Sunrise: 7:51 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 8:38 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 7:09 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 9:20 PM
Moon Rise: 9:06 PM
Moon Set: 1:34 PM
Moon: Waning Gibbous, 84% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 14h 10m
Length of Day: 12h 47m
Tomorrow will be 5m 19s shorter
THIS DATE IN ALASKA HISTORY: September 16, 1929 -
Pilot Russ Merrill lost his life when his plane went down in Cook Inlet. Merrill Field in Anchorage and Merrill Pass in the Alaska Range are named for him /more: Southcentral Alaska
METEOR SHOWERS: Orionids: October 21~22
Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Cloudy with isolated showers in the morning, becoming numerous in the afternoon and evening, then isolated showers after midnight. Highs in the 50F (10c). Lows in the mid 30F to lower 40F (1.7c to 4.4c). Wind NE 10 to 25 mph, then tonight slight decreasing NE 10 to 15 mph with strongest winds along the inlet
Actual Sunrise: 7:26 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 8:23 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 6:55 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 9:05 PM
Moon Rise: 8:50 PM
Moon Set: 1:19 PM
Have a Safe Day!
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