Hallo Bay * Homer
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Homer~Kachemak Bay
Homer Birdcam
Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Partly cloudy around Kachemak Bay. Elsewhere will be mostly cloudy with scattered snow showers then clearing in the afternoon. Tonight mostly clear. Lows in the lower teens to lower 30F (-10.6c to -1.1c), warmest around Kachemak Bay. Highs in the 30F (-1.1c)
Visibility: 10 miles
Ceiling: Unlimited
Wind: Today SW 10 to 20 mph, except W 20 to 35 mph around Kachemak Bay. Tonight SW 10 to 15 mph, in the evening becoming light. Around Kachemak Bay: W 10 to 25 mph
Barometric Pressure: 29.72 Rising
Outside Humidity: 41%
Tigger Forecast: watching birdfeeder!
Actual Sunrise: 8:49 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 4:49 PM
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:02 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 5:36 PM
Moon Rise: 4:24 PM
Moon Set: 9:08 AM
Moon: FULL MOON, 100% of Moon illuminated
Full Beaver Moon – This was the time to set beaver traps before the swamps froze, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. Another interpretation suggests that the name Full Beaver Moon comes from the fact that the beavers are now actively preparing for winter. It is sometimes also referred to as the Frosty Moon
Length of Visible Daylight: 9h 33m
Length of Day: 7h 59m
Tomorrow will be 4m 47s shorter
THIS DATE IN ALASKA HISTORY: November 10, 1897 -
The Skagway post office was established /more: Southeast Alaska
METEOR SHOWERS: North Taurids: November 12~14
58º 34’10.10 N, 153º 53’57.58 W
Weather Conditions: Partly cloudy today. Tonight increasing clouds. Lows in the lower 20F (-6.7c), except in the upper 20F to mid 30F (-3.3c to 1.7c) along the western capes and Alaska Peninsula. Highs in the 30F (-1.1c). Wind W 15 to 30 mph, shifting to the SE after midnight. Along the western capes, Variable 10 mph, increasing to SE 15 to 30 mph after midnight
Actual Sunrise: 9:04 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 5:04 PM
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:17 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 5:51 PM
Moon Rise: 4:40 PM
Moon Set: 9:23 AM
Have a Safe Day!
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