January Daily Weather Report Hallo Bay * Homer Homer Webcams
HALLO BAY Latitude 58.34.063 * Longitude 153.54.052
Weather Conditions: Mostly cloudy with scattered snow showers. Temperatures steady upper 20F to mid 30F (-3.3c to 1.7c). Lows 15F to 20F (-9.4c to -6.7c). Wind S 10 to 20 mph, becoming W 15 mph, except NW 15 to 30 mph along the western capes
Actual Sunrise: 9:35 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 5:34 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:48 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 6:21 PM
Moon Rise: 8:32 AM
Moon Set: 3:11 PM
HOMER Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Mostly cloudy, scattered rain/snow
Visibility: 10 miles
Ceiling: 3,700 ft
Wind: NE 10 to 20 mph, except E 10 to 20 around Kachemak Bay, becoming N 10 to 20 mph by evening
Wind Gusts: --
Predicted Temps: HIGHS: low 30F to low 40F (-1.1c to 4.4c) LOWS: mid 20F to low 30F (-3.9c to -1.1c)
Barometric Pressure: 29.71 Steady
Humidity: 86%
Actual Sunrise: 9:20 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 5:19 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:33 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 6:06 PM
Moon Rise: 8:17 AM
Moon Set: 2:55 PM
Moon: Waning Crescent, 5% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 9h 33m Length of Day: 7h 58m Tomorrow will be 4m 52s lower Have a Safe Day! THIS DATE IN ALASKA HISTORY: January 31, 1956 -
General John Noyes, head of the Alaska National Guard, died at Nome as a result of a plane crash AURORA FORECAST: Quiet (1) AURORA LIVECAM METEOR SHOWERS: none
January Daily Weather Report Hallo Bay * Homer Homer Webcams
HALLO BAY Latitude 58.34.063 * Longitude 153.54.052
Weather Conditions: CONTINUING STRONG WINDS THROUGH THIS EVENING Snow mixing with rain at times. Snow accumulation up to 2 to 4 inches. Highs in the 30F (-1-1c). Lows in the mid 20F to lower 30F (-3.9c to -1.1c). Wind E 15 to 25 mph, with local gusts to 40 to 45 mph
Actual Sunrise: 9:37 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 5:32 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:50 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 6:19 PM
Moon Rise: 8:02 AM
Moon Set: 1:53 PM
HOMER Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Mostly cloudy, scattered rain and snow
Visibility: 10 miles
Ceiling: 3,100 ft
Wind: NE 15 to 25 mph, except E 25 to 40 mph around Kachemak Bay
Wind Gusts: --
Predicted Temps: HIGHS: low 30F to low 40F (-1.1c to 4.4c) LOWS: mid 20F to low 30F (-3.9c to -1.1c)
Barometric Pressure: 29.84 Falling
Humidity: 76%
Actual Sunrise: 9:22 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 5:16 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:35 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 6:04 PM
Moon Rise: 7:48 AM
Moon Set: 1:36 PM
Moon: Waning Crescent, 10% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 9h 28m Length of Day: 7h 54m Tomorrow will be 4m 52s longer Have a Safe Day! THIS DATE IN ALASKA HISTORY: January 30, 1920 -
Fire destroyed the plant of the Daily Alaska Citizen at Fairbanks AURORA FORECAST: Quiet (1) AURORA LIVECAM METEOR SHOWERS: none
January Daily Weather Report Hallo Bay * Homer Homer Webcams
HALLO BAY Latitude 58.34.063 * Longitude 153.54.052
Weather Conditions: STRONG WINDS THROUGH SUNDAY Mostly cloudy with scattered snow/rain showers. Highs in the 30F (-1.1). Lows in the upper 20F to mid 30F (-3.3c to 1.7c). Morning wind E increasing to 25 to 40 mph - through channeled terrain E 30 to 50 mph with gusts to 65 mph. Afternoon and evening wind SE 25 to 40 mph - through channeled terrain SE 40 to 50 mph with gusts to 65 mph
Actual Sunrise: 9:39 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 5:29 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:52 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 6:17 PM
Moon Rise: 7:17 AM
Moon Set: 12:46 PM
HOMER Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Mostly cloudy, chance of rain/snow
Visibility: 10 miles
Ceiling: 3,600 ft
Wind: NE 10 to 15 mph, except E 15 to 30 around Kachemak Bay
Wind Gusts: strongest around Kachemak Bay
Predicted Temps: HIGHS: 30F (-1.1c) warmest around Kachemak Bay LOWS: lower 20F to low 30F (-6.7c to -1.1c)
Barometric Pressure: 30.03 Rising
Humidity: 89%
Actual Sunrise: 9:24 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 5:17 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:37 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 6:01 PM
Moon Rise: 7:02 AM
Moon Set: 12:29 PM
Moon: Waning Crescent, 18% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 9h 24m Length of Day: 7h 49m Tomorrow will be 4m 47s longer Have a Safe Day! THIS DATE IN ALASKA HISTORY: January 29, 1914 -
Juneau Camp No. 4 of the Alaska Native Brotherhood was organized in the Native school house AURORA FORECAST: Low (2) AURORA LIVECAM METEOR SHOWERS: none
January Daily Weather Report Hallo Bay * Homer Homer Webcams
HALLO BAY Latitude 58.34.063 * Longitude 153.54.052
Weather Conditions: STRONG WINDS NOW THROUGH SUNDAY Mostly cloudy with scattered snow and rain showers. Highs in the mid to upper 30F (2.2c). Lows in the lower 30F (-1.1c). Wind E 20 to 35 mph, becoming SE 40 to 55 mph. Gusts 45 to 65 mph, decreasing to 45 mph after midnight Actual Sunrise: 9:41 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 5:27 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:53 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 6:15 PM
Moon Rise: 6:12 AM
Moon Set: 11:55 AM
HOMER Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 10 miles
Ceiling: Unlimited
Wind: Variable to 10 mph, except E 10 to 25 mph around Kachemak Bay
Wind Gusts: --
Predicted Temps: HIGHS: low 20F to 40F (-6.7c to 4.4c) LOWS: low 20F to low 30F (-6.7c to -1.1c)
Barometric Pressure: 30.13 Falling
Humidity: 88%
Actual Sunrise: 9:27 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 5:11 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:39 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 5:59 PM
Moon Rise: 5:57 AM
Moon Set: 11:39 AM
Moon: Waning Crescent, 28% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 9h 20m Length of Day: 7h 44m Tomorrow will be 4m 44s longer Have a Safe Day! THIS DATE IN ALASKA HISTORY: January 28, 1940 -
Half of the town of Candle was destroyed by fire AURORA FORECAST: Quiet (1) AURORA LIVECAM METEOR SHOWERS: none
January Daily Weather Report Hallo Bay * Homer Homer Webcams
HALLO BAY Latitude 58.34.063 * Longitude 153.54.052
Weather Conditions: STRONG WINDS THROUGH LATE FRIDAY NIGHT Mostly cloudy. Isolated snow showers and areas of blowing snow. Highs in the upper 20F to mid 30F (-3.3c to 1.7c). Lows in the upper 20F to lower 30F (-3.3c to -1.1c). Wind E 45 to 55 mph with gusts to 70 mph developing in the afternoon. Actual Sunrise: 9:43 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 5:24 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:55 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 6:12 PM
Moon Rise: 4:50 AM
Moon Set: 11:22 AM
HOMER Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Sunny, becoming cloudy
Visibility: 10 miles
Ceiling: Unlimited
Wind: Variable to 20 mph, becoming NE 10 to 15 mph
Wind Gusts: --
Predicted Temps: HIGHS: in 20F (-6.7c) LOWS: 15F to 25F (-9.4c to -3.9c)
Barometric Pressure: 30.11 Rising
Humidity: 81%
Actual Sunrise: 9:29 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 5:09 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:40 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 5:57 PM
Moon Rise: 4:35 AM
Moon Set: 11:06 AM
Moon: Waning Crescent, 36% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 9h 16m Length of Day: 7h 39m Tomorrow will be 4m 41s longer Have a Safe Day! THIS DATE IN ALASKA HISTORY: January 27, 1925 -
The first dog team left Nenana to relay serum to Nome to fight a diphtheria epidemic. The serum reached Nome on February 4. ~Learn about Iditarod AURORA FORECAST: Low (2) AURORA LIVECAM METEOR SHOWERS: none
January Daily Weather Report Hallo Bay * Homer Homer Webcams
HALLO BAY Latitude 58.34.063 * Longitude 153.54.052
Weather Conditions: HIGH WIND WARNING IN EFFECT Mostly cloudy with isolated snow showers, with periods of light snow with up to 2 inches of accumulation. Highs 15F to 25F (-9.4c to -3.9c). Lows 5F to 15F above (-15c to -9.4c). Wind SW 10 to 15 mph, becoming E 10 to 25 mph
Actual Sunrise: 9:45 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 5:22 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:57 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 6:10 PM
Moon Rise: 3:19 AM
Moon Set: 11:00 AM
HOMER Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Fog, cloudy, snow showers
Visibility: 9 miles
Ceiling: 3,100 ft
Wind: W 10 to 20 mph, becoming S 10 to 15 mph
Wind Gusts: --
Predicted Temps: HIGHS: upper 20F to upper 30F (-3.3c to 2.2c) LOWS: 10F to 25F (-12.2c to -3.9c)
Barometric Pressure: 29.43 Rising
Humidity: 85%
Actual Sunrise: 9:31 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 5:06 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:42 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 5:55 PM
Moon Rise: 3:03 AM
Moon Set: 10:44 AM
Moon: Last Quarter, 47% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 9h 12m Length of Day: 7h 35m Tomorrow will be 4m 38s longer Have a Safe Day! THIS DATE IN ALASKA HISTORY: January 26, 1959 -
The first Alaska State Legislature convened at Juneau AURORA FORECAST: Low (2) AURORA LIVECAM METEOR SHOWERS: none
January Daily Weather Report Hallo Bay * Homer Homer Webcams
HALLO BAY Latitude 58.34.063 * Longitude 153.54.052
Weather Conditions: Numerous snow showers mixed with rain in the morning. Patchy fog. Snow accumulation up to 1 inch. Highs in the lower to mid 30F (-1.1c to 1.7c). Lows 5F to 10F above (-15c to -12.2c). Wind S 10 to 15 mph
Actual Sunrise: 9:47 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 5:19 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:59 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 6:18 PM
Moon Rise: 1:45 AM
Moon Set: 10:46 PM
HOMER Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Snow
Visibility: 10 miles
Ceiling: 8,000 ft
Wind: NE 10 to 20 mph, becoming S to 15 mph tonight
Wind Gusts: --
Predicted Temps: HIGHS: 30F (-1.1c) LOWS: low 20F to low 30F (-6.7c to -1.1c)
Barometric Pressure: 29.01 Rising
Humidity: 92%
Actual Sunrise: 9:33 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 5:04 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:44 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 5:52 PM
Moon Rise: 1:29 AM
Moon Set: 10:30 AM
Moon: Waning Gibbous, 59% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 9h 08m Length of Day: 7 30m Tomorrow will be 4m 24s longer Have a Safe Day! THIS DATE IN ALASKA HISTORY: January 25, 1959 -
Alaska's first indoor artificially heated swimming pool opened in Fairbanks AURORA FORECAST: Quite (1) AURORA LIVECAM METEOR SHOWERS: none
January Daily Weather Report Hallo Bay * Homer Homer Webcams
HALLO BAY Latitude 58.34.063 * Longitude 153.54.052
Weather Conditions: Mostly cloudy. Scattered snow showers in the morning, then scattered snow and rain showers in the afternoon. Highs in the 30F (-1.1c). Lows in the lower 20F to lower 30F (-6.7c to -1.1c). Wind E 10 to 25 mph
Actual Sunrise: 9:49 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 5:17 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 9:00 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 6:06 PM
Moon Rise: 12:09 AM
Moon Set: 10:35 AM
HOMER Lat/Lon: 59.7° N 151.5° W
Weather Conditions: Rain and snow, patchy fog
Visibility: 10 miles
Ceiling: 4,800 ft
Wind: Variable 10 mph, except SE 15 to 30 mph around Kachemak Bay, becoming NE 10 to 25 mph, except NE 15 to 30 mph around Kachemak Bay
Wind Gusts: --
Predicted Temps: HIGHS: in 30F (-1.1c) LOWS: low 20F to mid 30F (-6.7c to 1.7c)
Barometric Pressure: 29.09 Steady
Humidity: 86%
Actual Sunrise: 9:35 AM AKST
Actual Sunset: 5:01 PM AKST
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:46 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 5:50 PM
Moon Rise: No Moon Rise
Moon Set: 10:19 AM
Moon: Waning Gibbous, 68% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 9h 04m Length of Day: 7h 26m Tomorrow will be 4m 31s longer Have a Safe Day! THIS DATE IN ALASKA HISTORY: January 24, 1963 -
The M/V Malaspina, the first of the Alaska Marine Highway system's ferries, arrived in Juneau on its maiden voyage AURORA FORECAST: Quiet (1) AURORA LIVECAM METEOR SHOWERS: none
BBC film crew stayed with us, and filmed exclusively at Hallo Bay. All brown bears and end image are Hallo Bay Legends
Discovery Life's HUNTERS and HUNTED Video:
BBC film crew stayed with us, and filmed exclusively at Hallo Bay. All brown bears are Hallo Bay Legends
"We will strive to protect and preserve this beautiful and wildlife rich wilderness area we are entrusted with. Thus armed with the tools of education and knowledge we will venture into the realm of the Great Bear, what was and what must continue to be surely, one of the last great cornerstones of this planet."
No crowds or neighbors found here, real home style cooking and comfortable heated cabins. We are located in the largest natural concentration of brown (grizzly) bears in Alaska, and rated by the BBC Natural History Unit as one of the top 3 destinations in the world to observe wildlife in a natural setting. We offer between 2 and 7 night stays at our remote property. Tours include meals, lodging, and naturalist guides. Short on time? Take a day trip to see the bears from Homer. We have 26 years of bear viewing/guiding experience. Visit Us: MAY 15 to October 15 Guests Comments
ALASKA: a fascinating journey of wilderness and wildlife - truly a last frontier and home to the Legends of Hallo Bay. •Alaska State Symbols
•Alaska Historical Society
•Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race
•SoundsWildNature Sounds
•WildlifeSpecies by ADF&G