October Daily Weather Report
Hallo Bay * Homer
Weather Conditions: Patchy Fog, Rain Showers
High Wind Warning: easterly winds 15 to 30 mph this morning continue to increase throughout the day expected to reach 40 to 55 mph with gusts to 70 mph by this evening
Actual Sunrise: 8:46 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 7:28 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:05 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 8:10 PM
Moon Rise: 9:39 PM
Moon Set: 4:41 PM
Weather Conditions: Patchy Fog, Scattered Rain
Visibility: 10 miles
Ceiling: 9,500 feet
Wind: High Wind Warning: N to E increasing to 10 to 25 mph
Wind Gusts: N to E to 45 mph
Predicted Temp: 50F to 60F ~ 10c to 15.56c
Barometric Pressure: 29.91 Falling
Humidity: 86%
Homer Webcams
UV: 0 out of 16
Actual Sunrise: 8:31 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 7:13 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 7:49 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 7:54 PM
Moon Rise: 9:22 PM
Moon Set: 4:27 PM
Length of Visible Daylight: 12h 05m
Length of Day: 10h 42m
Tomorrow will be 5m 19s shorter
Have a Safe Day
This date in Alaska History: October 9, 1923 -
The MV Kennecott, Alaska Steamship Co. freighter, went to pieces on the Queen Charlotte Islands on her maiden voyage from Alaska.
Meteor Showers: October 21-22: ORIONIDS
Hourly rate: 15-25 (swift streaks), View South 2am to 4am
Mark your calendars!
Happy Birthday KC!

Hallo Bay * Homer
Weather Conditions: Patchy Fog, Rain Showers
High Wind Warning: easterly winds 15 to 30 mph this morning continue to increase throughout the day expected to reach 40 to 55 mph with gusts to 70 mph by this evening
Actual Sunrise: 8:46 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 7:28 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 8:05 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 8:10 PM
Moon Rise: 9:39 PM
Moon Set: 4:41 PM
Weather Conditions: Patchy Fog, Scattered Rain
Visibility: 10 miles
Ceiling: 9,500 feet
Wind: High Wind Warning: N to E increasing to 10 to 25 mph
Wind Gusts: N to E to 45 mph
Predicted Temp: 50F to 60F ~ 10c to 15.56c
Barometric Pressure: 29.91 Falling
Humidity: 86%
Homer Webcams
UV: 0 out of 16
Actual Sunrise: 8:31 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 7:13 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 7:49 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 7:54 PM
Moon Rise: 9:22 PM
Moon Set: 4:27 PM
Length of Visible Daylight: 12h 05m
Length of Day: 10h 42m
Tomorrow will be 5m 19s shorter
Have a Safe Day
This date in Alaska History: October 9, 1923 -
The MV Kennecott, Alaska Steamship Co. freighter, went to pieces on the Queen Charlotte Islands on her maiden voyage from Alaska.
Meteor Showers: October 21-22: ORIONIDS
Hourly rate: 15-25 (swift streaks), View South 2am to 4am
Mark your calendars!
Happy Birthday KC!
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