June 23, 2011
We had a true Alaska jewel with us this past Thursday,
She flew out to Camp with us on an adventure to see some wilderness critters (bears). We will post some pics tomorrow. Thank you Erin, for being a Hallo Bay Bear Camp friend!
AKontheGO is On the Air!
►The Alaska Travelgram Show
Tuesdays on KOAN Fox News AM 1020, KXLJ 1330
Juneau: 2-3 p.m.
►Kids These Days
Monthly on KSKA 91.1 FM.
Check web site for dates.
Broadcast at 2 and 7 p.m.
►KTUU Channel 2 News and GoToAK.com
Stay tuned for broadcast dates and times.
GoToAK.com travel posts appear bi-monthly.