National Park Conservation Association

Protect Lands Adjacent to Katmai,
Lake Clark from Industrial Mining
One million acres of prime wolf, bear, and salmon habitat adjacent to Lake Clark and Katmai National Parks could be opened to new mining claims with the stroke of a pen. Closed to mining since 1971, these wild Alaska lands are integral to Bristol Bay's salmon-supporting ecosystem that is anchored by these two grand national parks. A recommendation from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to lift this mineral closure and expand a modern day gold rush was issued in the last days of the Bush Administration and we need your help to send this bad idea back to the drawing board. Send a letter to Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar asking him to deny the BLM's request and protect the precious natural wonders near Lake Clark and Katmai National Parks.
As the wildlife and wilderness can't do this, you must be their voice!
We thank you for your help.
National Park Conservation Association
Protect Lands Adjacent to Katmai,
Lake Clark from Industrial Mining
One million acres of prime wolf, bear, and salmon habitat adjacent to Lake Clark and Katmai National Parks could be opened to new mining claims with the stroke of a pen. Closed to mining since 1971, these wild Alaska lands are integral to Bristol Bay's salmon-supporting ecosystem that is anchored by these two grand national parks. A recommendation from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to lift this mineral closure and expand a modern day gold rush was issued in the last days of the Bush Administration and we need your help to send this bad idea back to the drawing board. Send a letter to Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar asking him to deny the BLM's request and protect the precious natural wonders near Lake Clark and Katmai National Parks.
As the wildlife and wilderness can't do this, you must be their voice!
We thank you for your help.
My voice was heard - loud 'n clear! I hope others speak up, too.