Observed Weather at Hallo Bay Camp
7:00 AM
7:00 AM
Weather Conditions: Cloudy
Visibility: 40 miles (looking across Shelikof Strait)
Ceiling: 3,000 feet
Wind: 11 mph out of NE
Wind Gusts: to 11 mph
Current Temp: 50F 10c
High Daytime Temp Yesterday: 59F 15c
Barometric Pressure: 30.24 and steady
Outside Himidity: 97%
Rainfall: 0.00 Total inches last 24 hours
(24 hour period begins at midnight)
Rainfall: 7.12 Total inches for July
Rainfall: 15.03 Total inches since May 12, 2009
Observed Sea Swell off Beach: calm to 1.0 feet
Homer Webcam
Tigger Forecast: No report...
Actual Sunrise: 5:56AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 10:57 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 4:54 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 11:58 PM
Moon Rise: 4:32 PM
Moon Set: 11:44 PM
Moon: First Quarter, waxing crescent, 48% illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 19h 03m
Length of Day: 17h 00m
Tomorrow will be 4m 35s shorter
Have a Safe Day
This date in Alaska History: July 28, 1899 -
Fire destroyed the U.S. Army post, Camp Dyea, at the head of Lynn Canal.
Meteor Showers:
July 28-29: Delta Aquarids: 20 per hour
July 29-30: Capricornids: 15 per hour

Visibility: 40 miles (looking across Shelikof Strait)
Ceiling: 3,000 feet
Wind: 11 mph out of NE
Wind Gusts: to 11 mph
Current Temp: 50F 10c
High Daytime Temp Yesterday: 59F 15c
Barometric Pressure: 30.24 and steady
Outside Himidity: 97%
Rainfall: 0.00 Total inches last 24 hours
(24 hour period begins at midnight)
Rainfall: 7.12 Total inches for July
Rainfall: 15.03 Total inches since May 12, 2009
Observed Sea Swell off Beach: calm to 1.0 feet
Homer Webcam
Tigger Forecast: No report...
Actual Sunrise: 5:56AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 10:57 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 4:54 AM
Civil Twilight Sunset: 11:58 PM
Moon Rise: 4:32 PM
Moon Set: 11:44 PM
Moon: First Quarter, waxing crescent, 48% illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 19h 03m
Length of Day: 17h 00m
Tomorrow will be 4m 35s shorter
Have a Safe Day
This date in Alaska History: July 28, 1899 -
Fire destroyed the U.S. Army post, Camp Dyea, at the head of Lynn Canal.
Meteor Showers:
July 28-29: Delta Aquarids: 20 per hour
July 29-30: Capricornids: 15 per hour
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