Observed Weather at Hallo Bay Camp
7:00 AM
9:00AM Hallo Bay Camp Report
8:45AM McNeil Bear Camp Report
Weather Conditions: Partly cloudy
9:00am: Broken with patches of blue
8:45am: trending to improving
Visibility: 40 miles
9:00am: 40 miles
8:45am: 12 - 15 miles
Ceiling: 8,000 feet
9:00am: 8,000 feet
8:45am: 2,500 feet broken w/patches of blue
Wind: 2 mph out of SW
9:00am: 2 mph NNE
8:45am: very light winds
Wind Gusts: to 3 mph
Current Temp: 49F 9.44c
High Daytime Temp Yesterday: 56F 13.33c
Barometric Pressure: 29.88 and steady
Outside Humidity: 96%
Rainfall: 0.00 Total inches last 24 hours
(24 hour period begins at midnight)
Rainfall: 1.26 Total inches for July
Rainfall: 9.17 Total inches since May 12, 2009
Observed Sea Swell off Beach: Calm to 1.0 feet
Homer Weather: From West Hill it looks like solid fog
Visibility: -0-, Ceiling: -0-, Wind: 1 mph out of SE
Homer Office Webcam
Tigger Forecast: No report...gloating!
Actual Sunrise: 5:39 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:14 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 4:29 AM
Civil Twilight Sunet: 12:22 AM
Moon Rise: 3:11 AM
Moon Set: 10:48 PM
Moon: Waning Crescent, 3% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 19h 52m
Length of Day: 17h 35m
Tomorrow will be 4m 6s shorter
Have a Safe Day
This date in Alaska History: July 20, 1897 - Carl Ben Eielson, pioneer Alaska aviator and for whom Eielson Air Force Base was named, was born in North Dakota.
ALSO: 40th anniversary of Moon Landing: Apollo 11
8:45AM McNeil Bear Camp Report
Weather Conditions: Partly cloudy
9:00am: Broken with patches of blue
8:45am: trending to improving
Visibility: 40 miles
9:00am: 40 miles
8:45am: 12 - 15 miles
Ceiling: 8,000 feet
9:00am: 8,000 feet
8:45am: 2,500 feet broken w/patches of blue
Wind: 2 mph out of SW
9:00am: 2 mph NNE
8:45am: very light winds
Wind Gusts: to 3 mph
Current Temp: 49F 9.44c
High Daytime Temp Yesterday: 56F 13.33c
Barometric Pressure: 29.88 and steady
Outside Humidity: 96%
Rainfall: 0.00 Total inches last 24 hours
(24 hour period begins at midnight)
Rainfall: 1.26 Total inches for July
Rainfall: 9.17 Total inches since May 12, 2009
Observed Sea Swell off Beach: Calm to 1.0 feet
Homer Weather: From West Hill it looks like solid fog
Visibility: -0-, Ceiling: -0-, Wind: 1 mph out of SE
Homer Office Webcam
Tigger Forecast: No report...gloating!
Actual Sunrise: 5:39 AM AKDT
Actual Sunset: 11:14 PM AKDT
Civil Twilight Sunrise: 4:29 AM
Civil Twilight Sunet: 12:22 AM
Moon Rise: 3:11 AM
Moon Set: 10:48 PM
Moon: Waning Crescent, 3% of Moon illuminated
Length of Visible Daylight: 19h 52m
Length of Day: 17h 35m
Tomorrow will be 4m 6s shorter
Have a Safe Day
This date in Alaska History: July 20, 1897 - Carl Ben Eielson, pioneer Alaska aviator and for whom Eielson Air Force Base was named, was born in North Dakota.
I remember watching the moon landing with my family - I had just graduated from high school! It was awesome. -Karen