A Great Trip Needs An Extraordinary Destination ...Hallo Bay? ABSOLUTELY

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Slideshow by DeWaine Tollefsrud, guide

Hallo Bay Bear Camp Guide, DeWaine Tollefsrud has prepared a slideshow on his flightseeing adventure. If you ever wanted to know what it's like to fly in Alaska: click here (to slow the pictures, click on the picture and a menu will appear at the bottom & you can take your time to view the pics using the arrows)

Also, here is a geomap of his adventure: click here
(Google Earth)


  1. AWESOME pictures, DeWaine! I so enjoyed the slide show. And Karen, you did a wonderful job in putting it together.

  2. Thank you -- we're in for a real treat with DeWaine's pics! Any cookies left?
