A Great Trip Needs An Extraordinary Destination ...Hallo Bay? ABSOLUTELY

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bear Fight Video

Awesome video about this bear fight
at Hallo Bay Bear Camp:
click here

Thank You: Philippe & Martine!


  1. I am blown away by this video by Phillippe and Martine. It doesn't look like they are seriously trying to hurt each other. More like they are simply proving who is stronger. Is that true? Also, at the end it seems like the bigger bear is backing away. Was he the loser?

    Signed, Curious
    (Margaret from "Ladies weekend")

  2. Hi Margaret, None of the bears were hurt during this disagreement. It was just a bit of a dispute over a female. There usually is never any serious injuries during fights such as this. In this case, the smaller of the bears was the winner of the argument!
