A Great Trip Needs An Extraordinary Destination ...Hallo Bay? ABSOLUTELY

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Craig Medred's Outdoors: June 2, 2009

Boost Urban Salmon Runs, Attract Bears -- It's Natural!
Craig Medred: Outdoors: June 2, 2009
Anchorage Daily News

The bears were here first. Let's start there.

The archeological record indicates their ancestors probably arrived in the land now called Alaska at least 50,000 years ago. The first humans don't appear for another 35,000 or 40,000 years.

It doesn't matter.

There are no 40,000-year-old bears or 15,000-year-old people running around in Far North Bicentennial Park. There are some 60-year-old people who've spent their lives in Anchorage still using the park. If you want to get technical, they were in the park before any bear now alive. Thus you could also argue the people were here first.

Either way the arguments are a waste of time. They don't help in resolving the matter of what to do in the here and now.

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1 comment:

  1. "Just another good common sense article by Craig" - Clint
